Monday, November 30, 2009

Mary Kasimor, "a vase" & "xxxv"

Mary Kasimor

a vase & xxxv

a vase

an illustrious mind Detachable
past from the shape of Her children
a lustered star
The origin of time

they Watched pots

it’s almost over / endings Make me cry
as the grass grows What time is It
Faded flowers in the skin
smashed Fur in the gutter

summer’s leaves what time is It familiar
changes / the bed Was changed
you Seem different / your beard is gray
let’s move Away

the End of time

in disrepair / I fell hundreds Of miles
Still timing was dissimilar / rust needed
oil never sleeps Never awakens thoughts
doors closed

people Changed

places dancers skimmed rivers dried Up
fish flew / Red tattered Pink the earring
lost the locket found the People Dissolved
tears Privacy on display

don’t Say

anything chased Around the vase
dead finger Nails continue
growing studying for the test Isn’t
Different / But we think it’s dogs

summer Leaves


I carve
blood on my hands
I write about ambiguity
& what is hidden
if I could divide & reunite
cubism an act of faith
circles abundance

Mary Kasimor has been writing poetry for many years, and her work has evolved from the lyrical narrative to more experimental styles. Her poetry has been published in many journals, including Otoliths, Moria, MIPOesias, Bird Dog, GutCult, BlazeVox2k3, How2, and Big Bridge, among others. Her book, silk string arias, was published by BlazeVox Books. She also has written book reviews for Jacket.

RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture,, ISSN: 1938-3592, Volume Three (2009): Immanence/ Imminence

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