Shona-Ellen Barnett
One for the Pukeko
drunken blue birds ballet in orange tights
red beaked galloping loons
attempt to cross the road
in their startled eyes
the mirage of indecision
the comic gait as they chase
or run from the inevitable
(like me)
hysteria in a feathered carcass
shall I? shan't I? shall I
phone her today this afternoon
yesterday was brave
tail feathers upright flags they don't give a fig
about propriety or consequences
risqué overstuffed chickens who lift their feet:
and walk on egg shells
(like me)
the delicate balance of self preservation
scrambled eggs life's con fusion
pukeko mate for life
I'll leave it til tomorrow
the thud against the bumper
Shona-Ellen Barnett writes poetry and short stories from her seaside hometown of Waihi Beach and has had work published in various magazines including Takahe. Currently completing her BA in English literature through Massey University, she also teaches creative writing to aspiring writers and has a strong interest in facilitating ‘write to heal’ programmes for people with special needs and disabilities. Work-in-progress includes a personal anthology and a film script.
RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture,, ISSN: 1938-3592, Volume Three (2009): Immanence/ Imminence
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