Friday, November 19, 2010

Michael Basinski, "Trailers" & "Piglets"

Michael Basinski

A ˜… ull-oll-allapphalebet (tell alphabetters…a feel o˜f cows
˜ elphabet ellphabutter bitbite appaloosa
o, e, at ˜ in is on it sin shebanded bed
BANG! Of of out off, ˜off held if
ordUr  ord u, r, ˜, ors,derve us is it on
d,e, surt ½Surf City (useful quote…(Sss)
on tion off up di˜ve lead cut
a for be of A,
l, t, s, r, u, ˜ w, z, y, ˜
x x t u m u s (˜) are at e wreest
sirens ˜ all ˜ all that is sweet
his ducks in a rue- duck tails
a ½ straight li˜ne in is a     ˜
circle Christ cow oh O ˜       ˜
heart now singulore   ˜  ˜        ˜
singulore letters now Singapore ˜
rue no knotting ever ˜ »night Keats (useful quote…-S
a one mooth l, v, g m○onth                   mooremaid pore
q, p, t, i  (˜)    Sinbad’s
the life span of spam spoon
for½k-knot a food of the refuse fool insection»      induction
interspectin○o of inter˜sects fuel
to for one letter never fabulousa Fubbles!
a foolows if of an other until will not
and an letter ur fll a, e, (˜ debris)
Nut sinsit swimsuit in a air an pork, pore
porus Walrus is dread full fall I am, A (polka band quotes:::
            “ice cubes and be˜er boys, booys sharks
            ioce cuobeos incubi (us..suc) a,o,ndo beooer
            that’soew Oall cows w˜e wanot isowl
            ice cuboyes eyes anod vowel beer”
pell I, pill a, av, ˜○○ ivut if u undead off day
pight t○ide know½ untied
what not be can’t ○○

(a lettuce clothed in by in un)
            ○ disrob ○

Pan Ann
I ear hair I
Can ˜ rain
I              ˜
pana˜       ˜  
˜…bucky rue boo˜cky be ○○˜aver,  aviatoreve
here’s t˜he new Ipana˜˜
I pa not (useful toothpaste quote or smile(s)
Pan of our teeth ontopoVov Votka on top (tap)  Big Top
                        “Tops never Stops”
Cyrano D˜ Bergerac (useful quotes:

um ex or ur h,
amoonglue r, s, t, u, v, (˜)
fruit fly, to date
goiout, hang out
you and an a I 9
predatory The Beatles, (useful quotes: two
toio to also presumably
perfum parasitetic paracity flies
eight p(a lettuce clothed by in)
iredaory snails White album££i
nnaisl nails witch beau-fruitful moons the, e
            (Pirates poerates   oh green parakeets pyromaniac
            Pyromantic livein isMay
            My Maya’s heebee my mine not
            My heart out or order
            Narwhale priestess
Fall the making-out, make up
m, ake believe the applepabet elephabeet
asparagus neck one will or together fall
appendages scattered about the room
A, B, C, L, M, T, art pest
saloon tooth paste, a weep
on in it A, M, again, non again no
«£ƒ  (˜)

wer, A, O, 0000Panooo, sea, Cooo unclothed O unclotted
A, (a lettuce clothed by in)
an, N, bee cooout A,
coco nuts coo coo voodoo
way, is, if, its, it’s fay a way in«
I iooos knot thee wait wave
tummel out, way-oooout, ooothere, o, zombie
mi˜ght, o, mit, our woooay it, c
t˜it in, i, a, in May(usefuless quoutes
defeat of the(e) ˜, swee, e
face, e, e, o˜, Maylived, for of a,
way l, ooo a, g, eggsgain, the month out
26 moth ooo˜             I mainlined
A-Listooo, ooo a, list, liss of moons All, ur of
on, a, d, e f, witchblossoms buttombs
very smooth ch within, o, vain veil
owling, oooooojug-shoooaped comes to be
a p, eoooar, be hind, hide hair, the mouth,
sk˜n, o, pins, ooo˜
beginooo silkin thin within
on a (a lettuce clothed by in)
diet of honey junger and woooater
whoa jaguar
It’s A Wonderful Life (useful quoteSooo
Alice in Wonderland ˜ “go ask Alice, I think she’ll know…”
knife bee e A e eggle-lessly a, t, fingered
fee, i, hi˜-fi, fo, foooool, spelled lappedoooen, t, Ur
Soom growom accup mudooo
its little oval, ring
uneveooon deserted earth
˜snailooo shells where in, r, moon bee, sss
eifV nylion unusual sweater city sweeetur of a,
Ap,ples pulled down
swiftly runooos Nut knots her scissors


Prepared with e)
(a lettuce clothed by in) (an opem milkwed)
lay, it’s aeeeeeeeeeeeee lay, A, b, egg, sss
s,weet, h, air of it uf we, e
thee, heart unprepared ever
theee, e, eeeeeeeeeeef, wishone outs, wereIt wearless, view
wireless vow viw wish-bone, bon-bon, bomb weelt
weatIt wishbone where July lies so
seesea˜ each of ice  tiny find,
see-sea, meeeeeeeeeeeore two, one, two one, see monster, ur ul
I July May stems seam hand, sa˜
meat me at meteor
re, ex, con slat salt
para, sight veeeeeeeeeeernal venial, venison
life, l,i a, moong the she he, e. f. f. f-f
and sand amueeeeeeeeeeeem, ga, gee-gee
wills, willow-willow, willow willov
Bla! Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeoons, for night creatures   saw-see
Be, eeeeeeeeeeeose, apper, pear drink-it off, of it if in-ni
rohsetooth deep (a lettuce clothed by in)
well, Minimouse, unwanton
o, o, o, cheer, Reo, o, ad, Pine, convessionight
Pieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenes, in, pie, in, eye-in, nail, eeen, Mabeline, 
masquerade mascara
labeeeeeeeeeeeyrinth, rainia of it
off it if off ot of in
in soeeeeeeeeee, ft, ur, fate
subterranean one, two, one subtle (parOVurn
a smalleeeeeeeeeee pea, r, s, t, sucks (˜)
it on ieeeeeeeeeeeeen, ev, o, e, pin, Pan
Pan An, a b, rose, leapf
leave eeeeeeeeeeeeeefly,  holes, the holes
holes cuckoo

(a lettuce clothed in bi)
seeing«sieze Christ ˜
Christmas chrysalis is-sit, mercy-less, less straw
seams isn’t fortune, tune tomb ˜ elmscup
up to˜on, pur, flame, ˜fume, pure win
whim fum     in a the thee for a,
            Z, C
            B, D
            F, V, U, W
            U, W                 U, W
            T, X, 6, Y
            A, S, X, Q, K
            A, F,  X, NO, G-P«
            L, M, ˜
N, OR
            E, F
            Eee eeeeeee
            -it is sill,e  to if
all saying rin,ga
blind, ball bell belly of the vivtim, time, times devour
shoots antennae, b, c, d,
just und˜
er skin eat
f, earing, b˜
utterflies shrivessels, perfor ist
eesh innocent abo˜
ut the holes, RIT dye
seamsewwed seedweed seawud
mer, mid-riff, drifft if it   skim
off skin separates« intoes insect wating weesh-shhhh
tissue, u, ˜
v, e skin-milk, sk˜
im whim
oon˜˜tly, fr˜ueg, win, e, d, g, f,  m˜outh as bin of
 perfect bees heart skeam of off if yarn
threa˜ds br˜eaks ˜
b˜reath up a˜monst holes˜ stem steam
deep cur˜
ved vfaves lettus fate our fill
ll lett˜ume « lagoon˜s lanterns speech liss infest
lump o˜
f pollen, nn, fail, frail thing˜, n,
fingers, the˜ tits of the letters tip torching
shaving, saving grace, grease cells form ajar«

words do ummmm ummmmmmmm ummum no, a purpose
porpoise sea-turtle perfume do no know
polish knox, ious, ˜commune, e, f, Crete
cake, defecate
phoro« moults mouths
lulu luluship fe(a lettuce clothed by in)
ver mice˜ (tell of the mice you have caputured in your long career of mice catching)
in the (a lettuce clothed by in)
             it end(a lettuce ˜clothed by in) Lucy Luciano Lulu
hidhide here her lettuce hear innher shirt
Oh lord, wont you buy me a mercedes benz?
of the bommmmmmmmmm ummmmummmmmmres
hive skin miasmas      martini boxtops, cigarette packs for                                                                                          wheelchairs for the crippled
                                                                        Among us always narled ˜ kidneys
ja˜il May«
no(a lettuce clo(a lettuce clothed b˜y in)
thed by in)                    treads a binding spell
t be me I am an A
it is if I, J,
«K, wingless, s, letter hint unt
Lent, lint s(a lettuce clothed by in)
imple eyes, u, e, a, i, o
            I,o- UUUUU˜
hermit˜ many worms among
earrs and nose, noo˜se of off flow, wear wishout
sing, ing, inging« monkey dew to
too fish


“The Martians have landed in Cheektowaga!”

Noonote: …suckon of the moo piglet
eyes lazy misses as heat

when the pie was where who
kisses begin the transfer
of disease bite into
cavities valeves flat kessis of ouf
thepositionsof closure
the catapillers openescape
the flys hiss kiss scarcely catalope
cat people pickled has the act been being
completed picked
receive the blood colore there by
prevented from red ripe to
matoes repeating that worms
as they become soft


Jinn:  sc  a  pv
            pm  ra.  Jinn:
            rv Jc
            inter avaturcularnud
            Vvvv   Aaaa
systhole with a needle
reluctant wave of to its if is
be as nodular to been
polio fills a desert with want
feathers witch was air the past air once was one
iss repent repeat aint Jinn air
that the poem will says nothing
and will be forgotten as
we we made the milk fat envy now
emeevery palm olive ox
froth of bubbles faster
we we made
precious simply to do
the dishes soars of semen about the
enemy eye of the again moon of hands
clothes the this i s rite
Anngina Queen of the Qcean

A Ang Moon Day

churn church coke bottle
black piglets pink and polished
wiggle piglite corn or Pepsi
dancing like night can negligee
can cans of Del Monte peas and peepchs
May piglets entwine untwine as
grape vine green nips Tarzan piglets
and water once was the bathtub full
a fall August of early peaches of piglets
by the bushel I feat speeching
we we were once so was so
connected with the delicate spider of of
Purkinje piglets weave and leave
urine unripehard green grapes

            Piglts: The sounds of shucks the heart
UFOPigletslights life the eastern sky

ears of corn car yellow corn eyes
pink muscle every piglet thuis
intersetellular results salt
rises spaceship clearly audible apple
sauce, some HOT Hot fucking sauce
piglets connect the piglets
with a pencil mools of the normal
sounds I hear hat ear my when may
ear applied to yours chest I could I
make a pie wish that my chest ear to
to hear wold be beating the way I hear
your sleeping heart woul d
put myself to sleep
means sleeping together U


dupp or ta-tat piglot
instruments fuisky about
as sily as I could be a
piglet A piglet A piglet
with a Luxor towel who does dies
the iroining who is the
Sunbeam iron silver
piglights star of the moon’s i
tongue piglight piglips
round as deep beats red
organof silver sponge
pigkiss slightly below and flat
to the right of the left nipple
piglet moon liglit bulges
in me my heart mouth
organi in an eggplant skuy
a peglets star vont be sill still

pig dicky
pig balls
wacked flat
big pig balls
with a baseball bat
With the help of this instrument he
Images milkdweed we we stacks
wither piglets
Entertainment infour chambers
But understained
Clarity that the heart’s auricles contrast
An Auroch is the dawn systole offers
A form of thievery
From deaith without uricles
rhyme with uryne
It is called by my shrink a
Consuming disorder
The humanheart is a piglet
Lauddry sock piglet
Born of orderous bon-bon toes

Lugnasa Mard Lunar

after so what long somewed seaweed and after
I am thick honey in on if this
is air urfuck dispelleraAll already tapioca
pudding flood sex of if air rots my one
lover hand (me a cup) in need if vile is they O
sugar up on to do but to in
coffee insect air of angel all
a thing parts pants I if I I my my unto
cant go to the mall supplication by is that which
end munificence mummification need is as
torment a desire crown crow invites a
kidneyness of night of the poet
peeing out the windows of higher learning their eyes
you can hear them sing
on the penny whistle
for me of piglets and pigeons
something to grab on to, to hold                        on to    O
seeds torment and copious disinterests
in spiritual squid dissirethsink ink of me a no
knot that can should be punched
reaming disastrous they pardon
puck the crucifixion
Pandora obvious of a as dumb

            the day over     of what without
speaking ever I sawles
last of I swink is cleped an X
do not I an enter I she
myst is that copose corpse
excommunicated form
I be yon hem pee
spell make her a god-dress thee
she the only god made
I know herass my Pet Milk
un A door speak witch rye
wish while white sleeptoes
tartture she decrease to discussion if evaporation
ass the Virgin (Tangeray) Merry Tomaeto
war waywet or tose whirpool ne
melboos or a of on a if position
portion of this organ
poison thoart toast be remute and do not the open
permittin if desecrate
need nonaerated the decorations
arrested for little 9one like those throat of
herofv toads, painted pinch mosquitetoes
mushrues the letters crease explove plore
crepes cease hers geese teeth, tooth too, toeskin
teeth twenty-two pearlees teeth
become as yellow as the sun


induced damsel like aloe,
a word that
originally meant a baked
bread of ashes, or a soap
eaten as the sunsheep or, some
say, the sin of sheep, beat of an offt
afflicted bleat  ble each
letter of an sunfish eyelash
amputation of the their burn
ammunition….as disease neight thease
tease an October.

Announce ˜

the end

choice of letters between M and N or noir N and O
an O Hathor hippo
maidens and raisins    between your teeth and toes    it is going to be September like sleep I forget         it
all if
of three alone hormone eyes, ABC her     deep nose exits inof insect exit nip      begin to end of their rhey are singing hearts honeymoon         infoX xerox noiseX     pitchur chemically awl The alter  rtop      Alp ape milk, adultery butter, lard the cottonwood’s fat swimg in, and on meat odors oils were wore, between the honeymoon time the time it took, who is it who Goddess(es) TuT the time betreen the opening the closething
when for of hiss self purification, fiction publication for her blac hermatagemagI always quiet punctuation
such a brainless
pupae heart his the alphabet a basket of figs and curve of wine, they cut off his hand day in day out        vevoke utter:    they they’re our assholes, wait, lust of their own lawnmowers and he decided I will be a heart of weeds 0 uneven, irreverent, irrelevant, Michaelephant, lime and lemon juice and I will eat windows even during intrims between meals.  Crimes You shells shall have B-Jinnees           and cheese at the Wegmans cupid left a dollar off coupon on my brand of sweetsweetbutter.

II So, once use I hope if fingers and eyes when as off a toe’s old dark nail, Nile take a when you Dip! Dips in your deeppool. black stars in the even of dog days cookie cook oven coveern in A tube tub Ov kisses waiting for the big toe in to bog begun to end in your text

Need a perfume white as hair on stars or toothpaste porch lighter all words flying cigarette and threads like the entrails of camels prepare me to eat insects “Everything’s better which Land-O-Lakes maiden pigtails OV is how the words become”

But they were precious poets and special like
handkerchiefs in Massachusetts

who nefver refuse
ant afternoon snooz

Need  an imagined addiction  a church perfume Keith Moon of alfalfa sprouts. African of ambergris or music incense science 1969. In silence séance and aloes wood or our harmony apple hammer seed cider alone loon in the evewoods in between your young teeth and arms black bloody from blackberry black banana come baked beans come piano instrument behind the bushes there are holes in my head

RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture,, ISSN: 1938-3592, Volume 4 (2010): Emergence

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